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10 Ways to Monitor Twitter Beyond @Mentions

10 Ways to Monitor Twitter Beyond @MentionsTwitter data is expansive and incredibly valuable. It is used by medical researchers to track the spread of diseases, by the U.S. Geological Survey to track earthquakes, by the financial industry to monitor market moving trends, and by journalists to access eyewitness reports during breaking stories.In short, Twitter data has become essential to gathering intelligence and understanding trends.Keep Cool in a CrisisFor brand managers, Twitter is an essential tool for monitoring mentions – especially in a crisis situation.During a crisis, there is no faster way to check the pulse of the situation than through comments people share on Twitter – in real time. Good or bad, the data informs and is often actionable. Although your brand may not want to respond to every tweet, knowing what’s being said can help guide your decisions on handling the situation.Unearth Industry IntelligenceThe value of Twitter data goes beyond basic brand monitoring and crisis management. Smart brands are setting up searches and alerts for key topics that directly and indirectly impact their business.Want to get started? Here are ten searches you should start monitoring immediately.1. Industry topics: Monitor terms that you consistently use in your strategic communications. These are the keywords you want to rank well for. Keeping tabs on discussions around those terms will help you in content planning.2. Industry trends: Similar to the above, but you’ll have to be a bit cleverer here since you don’t necessarily know what might trend. Search for very broad industry terms, including things that may be negative and keep an eye on what else comes up in the search.3. Competitor intel: Follow your competitors’ names and watch for any trending news involving them.Keys to Monitoring Social Media 


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