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2021 Digital Brand Voice: Speak Up, Stand Out

Brittany C. Harris, Senior Manager, Digital, FrazierHeiby 

The usual thing to do at the start of the year is to highlight the social trends to watch for in 2021. You’ll likely come across articles that talk about the newest social media platforms, the increased use of video and recommendations to jump on the TikTok or Instagram Reels wagon. But beyond the surface, there is something deeper to adopt this year. Something more impactful and meaningful. 

Over the last nine months, the digital sphere has increased in importance. Companies and organizations who didn’t have a robust social media presence finally began to understand the necessity of being online to reach their audience. Social media got its just due. However, with an increase in online traffic, there has been an increase in noise. For brands to stand out, having a unique, consistent brand voice is more important than ever.

If 2020 taught us one thing, it’s this: gone are the days where companies and organizations only focus on marketing in a commerce-focused way. According to Forbes, sixty percent of the U.S. population, and 78% of those aged 18 to 34, expect brands to take a stand on racial justice. Consumers are making purchasing decisions based on the principles and values that a company upholds. To make inroads and create brand loyalty, being clear about your company’s values and principles is what will make a difference in the digital world. 

We watched as organizations made statements regarding injustice. We saw companies share in the burden of COVID-19 in their communities. But we also saw many of them stay silent. Those who said nothing lost customers. What consumers want from companies is to find a place of shared values. Consumers buy into companies and support organizations that share their beliefs, personal convictions and worldviews. 

When building your digital strategy this year, find ways to include your values and principles. Here are some examples:

  • Use video platforms to show your senior leadership supporting the local community.
  • Share articles on LinkedIn about your organization’s culture and how you support diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Tweet about how your company is living its mission statement and values.
  • Join the digital conversation about making a difference and challenging the status quo.
  • Livestream on Facebook and have conversations with employees about social justice topics and more.

Be brave with your digital brand voice this year. Having the courage to speak up will cause you to stand out and will attract the right audience and build brand loyalty.

About the Author: Brittany C. Harris is a strategic storyteller, content creator, speaker and author, bringing over 10 years of experience to her role as Senior Digital Strategist at FrazierHeiby. She advises clients on the best practices to enhance their social media platforms to increase audience engagement and brand awareness by staying on top of current trends and implementing creative, interactive content. Stay connected via LinkedIn @brittanycharris by email at