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2023 Will Bring About ‘The Great Reset’ at Work, Study Says

The Great Reset

Employees will continue to reconsider their working arrangements based on flexibility, promotions and more.

Nearly three years after the onset of the COVID pandemic, much has changed about how employees engage with their employer and their work. Many have learned to work productively with colleagues across time zones as various communications tools and software enable us to stay in touch and keep work on track. With all this change, theiCIMS 2023 Workforce Report, which dubs 2023 the year of “The Great Reset,” offers insights into what the year ahead has in store for employees and employers alike.

A look back offers the latest reminders that things are never going back to the way they were before. Here are some key takeaways.Control what can be controlled.With uncertain economic times on the horizon, more employees are hesitant about what the year ahead could mean for their financial stability. According to the report, four in five employees are not feeling secure financially and professionally. More specifically, 70% of employees are concerned about the economy and its potential impacts on their job and outside life, while 25% are looking for new employment because of the cost-of-living crisis. Meanwhile, 21% of employees say they’ve experienced adverse mental health effects due to this uncertainty.

These numbers raise a rather large red flag when it comes to the outlook for next year. It then begs the question — how will employers address financial concerns in the new year?Continue reading here...