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3 Big Communications Issues That Demand Immediate Attention

3 Big Communications Issues That Demand Immediate Attention 

Here’s how the pandemic has reshaped the work of communications leaders around the world.

Jim YliselaIn early 2020, a Ragan Communications survey of almost 800 communicators found most of them upbeat and largely satisfied with their work.Some were a little fuzzy about their budgets, and many had no plans to audit the state of their communications. Others could not recall when they had last updated their crisis comms plans.They dreamed of more staff and better intranets. Their gripes were the classic ones: siloed communications, long approval processes, more order taking than strategic counselling. Some said they were looking at Microsoft Teams as a new tool.Who knew what a difference a pandemic would make?The last 18 months have fundamentally transformed how companies operate—and how they communicate. By March 2020, the issues at the top of a communicator’s to-do list were quickly jettisoned in favor of more immediate, pressing concerns.Communicators were forced to “pivot”—a term that seemed really cool. Until we all began to loathe it.Continue reading here...