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3 Brilliant Ways Deloitte Took Employee Advocacy to the Next Level (Free Webinar)


3 Brilliant Ways Deloitte Took Employee Advocacy to the Next Level

Webinar Overview

Since 2012, Deloitte has engaged thousands of employees to advocate for the brand on social media and build their personal brands. By training, coaching and gathering feedback from their ambassadors, they have grown and matured every aspect of the program over the past four years. It has evolved into a critical component of their marketing strategy, driving awareness for the brand and producing results that have impacted the bottom line.

Join Turner Roach, Social Media Marketing Manager, and Aida Ahmed, Marketing and Communications Lead, from Deloitte Services, LP for the Dynamic Signal monthly webinar on Thursday, April 27th at 10am PT.Register for the live event to learn more about the evolution of Deloitte’s leading employee advocacy program. The panel will discuss these topics amongst many others:
  • How to promote the program internally to re-activate employee participation
  • How to educate employees on personal brand building so they understand the value of it
  • How they have altered their content strategy to ensure ongoing growth and success