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3 Easy Ways Communicators can Support DE&I Progress

3 Easy Ways Communicators can Support DE&I Progress 

Even if your role’s not tied to specific equity outcomes, you can still elevate and amplify your colleagues of color. Here’s how to help.

Elizabeth Baskin, CEO of TribeDiversity, inclusion and equity is a much larger movement within a company than just its communications. Or at least it should be.Ideally, meaningful DE&I activities and metrics are woven throughout the entire employee experience, from recruiting to benefits to leadership development and more. The touchpoints for communicating the company’s commitment to diversity are many, and the process is a long one. Although there’s no instant fix to diversity and inclusion shortcomings, internal communications can provide some immediacy and visibility for the steps along the way.Here are a few ways internal comms teams can push and promote inclusion in your company:

1. Push for more realistic, representative photography.

Whether you’re using original photography of actual employees (preferred) or stock images, be mindful of the artwork you’re using.Try to show a diverse range of people that represent not just different skin tones but also different ages and body types. If you’re a global organization, be cognizant of the geographical differences in employees, from how they dress to how they practice their faith.Continue reading here...