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3 Reasons to Use Online Forms for Healthcare Marketing

Annabel Maw, Marketing Communications Specialist at JotFormNo matter what industry, organization, or position you’re in, marketing matters. Marketing is important because it spreads the word and gets people interested in your products, services, and ideas. But marketing can be tough sometimes because there are many intricacies to it, especially in the healthcare industry. Some large challenges healthcare marketers face are budget constraints, the inefficiencies of cross-departmental collaboration, and collecting the right type of data. Online forms may not seem like an obvious solution for these pain points, but they’re actually a powerful and cost-effective tool that can make a huge difference for healthcare marketers. 1. Stay Within Your Marketing BudgetIn a world full of temptation, sticking to a budget isn’t always the easiest thing to do. And it can be especially tricky to do this as a marketer because of all the new technology out there making promises to optimize campaigns and better business. The thing is, a lot of marketing software is overhyped, and at the end of the day, a small- to medium-size organization really doesn’t need much to carry out its marketing initiatives.Online forms work well for healthcare marketers because they tend to wear many different hats. If you’re looking to generate new patient leads each month, use an online form. Or, if you’ve just completed a campaign and want feedback, you could use an online form for that too. Many online form builders are also fully customizable and have built-in analytics, so you can design them to your fit your organization’s brand and easily analyze all of the submissions received.2. Effectively Collaborate With Your TeamAs Michael Jordan says, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” Working together with your team and getting buy-in on projects is important for producing the best work possible. But sometimes it’s difficult to join forces and collaborate with the team because of varying work schedules and collaboration tool limitations. Online forms bolster teamwork efforts because they are easy to set up and share. Some form builders even allow you to simultaneously edit in real-time with other team members. Online forms are also versatile and can integrate with third-party work tracking apps, such as Google Sheets, so if your team wanted to collect feedback, opinions, and ideas, all of the information could be automatically transferred from the forms and organized into one home.3. Collect Quality DataGetting enough of the right data can either make or break your organization. Whether your data collection needs consist of generating leads, asking for feedback, or encouraging individuals to contact you, having robust online forms will inspire individuals to respond. And in turn, will provide you with the data you need to make smart, informed business decisions.An added plus of a select few online form builder platforms, such as JotForm, is that you can upgrade to HIPAA-Compliant forms. HIPAA-compliant online forms can also be used outside of the marketing realm for other healthcare industry needs, like new patient registration, updating medical history, and more.[author]About the Author: Annabel Maw is a Marketing Communications Specialist at JotForm. Twitter: @AnnabelLMaw [/author]