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4 Social Media Marketing Trends in the Insurance Industry


In this digital environment, insurance companies need to arise with innovative marketing ideas to reach and engage their target market. While traditional methods of marketing and lead generation like direct mail and networking events are still popular among insurance providers, they can reach a wider audience effectively using social media. This not only helps promote insurance products but also helps companies to interact with their customers and respond to their queries in real-time. Social media is also a great marketing platform to build and increase brand awareness for insurance providers. Some insurance companies rely on mascots, some target users with particular demographics and a few connect with celebrities to reap the benefits of influencer marketing.

If you are wondering how to do insurance social media marketing well, here are some top social media trends in the insurance industry you can consider to reach the target audience proficiently.

Informative and Problem-Solving Content Is Important

Since sharing informative and problem-solving content on social media is important, insurance companies are posting less content than ever before. Social media users really don’t like to be bombarded with lots of posts about buying insurance products, but rather would like to see some posts with useful and interesting information that draw their attention. Whether you are sellingfuneral insurance policies or working as an auto insurance agent, you should post informative and problem-solving content about insurance consistently. You can explain the significance of buying an insurance plan or write about the insurance buying process to make the life of insurance customers easier.

Video Content Getting More Popular

As video content is easy to understand and consume, modern consumers love to watch videos whenever they want to learn more about a brand, product, or service. This is the reason the number of video posts being shared across social media sites like Facebook and Instagram has increased in the recent couple of years. Teens and younger customers respond to video content more positively than any other type of content. This means video content can help you get your insurance company and products in front of more consumers that you can easily convert into customers. The beauty of videos is that you can share them across different digital and social media channels to get more eyeballs.

Faster Customer Support

Nowadays, people complain about brands, products, and services over social media sites. And having a host of customers leaving negative reviews across insurance social media profiles can harm your overall online reputation. This is the reason having a quick and faster customer support policy can increase customer satisfaction by resolving their queries as soon as possible. The faster insurance companies respond to angry customers, the more soothed they are to stick around for longer. In simple words, social media sites can be a great platform to listen to your customers and respond quickly even in real-time. Using chatbots is also a good idea to respond to common customer queries in real time and make your insurance business available and accessible 24/7.

Promoted Content

Creating and posting interesting and informative content across your insurance social media profiles is a good idea to build a strong presence on social media sites. Running paid social ads is another great way to be successful on social sites as an insurance company or agent. Promoted content enables you to reach a particular audience with specific interests and demographics. This allows you to present your insurance products in front of people who are likely to buy insurance. You can also run targeted campaigns to improve your audience targeting efforts and reach the right social media users with the right insurance offer or plan. Promoted content can instantly increase your reach and engagement to stand out from competitors.

Summing Up

Using social media marketing for your insurance company is most important than ever to stand out from the competition and reach your target audience more effectively. Social media is not just a platform to share details and information about your business or products, but a significant place to get customer opinion and feedback. Furthermore, it can also be used as a brand management tool and to interact with insurance customers to listen and respond to their queries as faster as possible.

About the Author:BrianWallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s.Brianruns #LinkedInLocal events, hosts theNext Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Adviser for 2016-present. Follow BrianWallace on LinkedIn as well as Twitter.