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4 Ways to Thrive in 2021

Resilience is the word of the moment. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from difficulties, adversity, or crisis. We all need resilience to survive this pandemic and move forward, but resilience won’t guarantee that you will thrive.

That’s why I prefer to replace the word ‘resilience’ with the word ‘recovery’.

We need to focus on these 4 actions to make a full recovery.

While The best leaders are highly resilient. They also focus on the strategies that will enable their organizations and their people to thrive after bouncing back from one of the most challenging health crises of the century.

How will YOU do this?

Here are four action steps you can take to be more resilient and drive you to recovery, where you can thrive:

  1. Share your true feelingsabout how the past year has impacted you and your loved ones. Most people do care. By you being honest and vulnerable, you make it possible for others to do the same.

  2. Pat yourself on the backfor surviving and getting through this crisis. It has been said:“If you can get through this, you can get through anything.” Breathe.

  3. Identify your vision. What do you want your life, your business or your career to look like one year from now?  Write it down as if it already exists like an affirmation. Visualize it. Youcanmake it happen, but first you must be clear on what you want. Paint a picture of your future in words to inspire yourself and your team and inspire yourself with visuals (a vision board).

  4. Rebuild old relationships and make new ones. Check in on people you haven’t spoken to – both business and personal. It can be difficult to break out of our isolation which has dominated the past year. To create the life or career we want, we must continue to build relationships. Commit to a minimum of one or two conversations each week with people you respect. Ask how they are doing and truly listen to what they are telling you.   Lend support to them; Share your vision and ask for support for yourself. Take a step further and organize a Mastermind of 4 – 8 people who agree to chat on Zoom regularly and support each other into full recovery.

Take these 4 steps and you’ll be moving beyond resilience into recovery; beyond surviving into thriving faster than you expected.

The Center of Excellence in Public Leadership at George Washington University (GW CEPL) offers programs for women at every level of their leadership journey to help address the early socialized habits, as well as the workplace and life challenges that often hold women back from pursuing increased responsibility, while supporting their growth and development.

Live online programs are known for their interactive discussions and networking among the participants, as well as its critical, career-changing content. Click here to learn more:

Women Leaders on the Rise Program (#WRISE) gives high-potential women leaders at the start of their careers the tools to enable management success, while addressing limiting beliefs that may be holding them back.Executive Women’s Leadership Program (#EWLP) is designed for experienced executives who have potential for greater leadership responsibilities. Topics covered include executive presence, negotiations, resilience, growth mindset and more!

Global Women’s Leadership Program (#GWLP) provides game-changing leadership strategies that will transform your mindset and expand your sphere of influence as a woman leader. Program is designed for global executives.