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5 Effective Inbound Marketing Strategies To Increase Web Traffic

Charlie Fletcher, Freelancer

Every business wants more traffic on its website. Not only does it help boost brand awareness, but it also opens up more opportunities to connect with customers in a way that drives conversions. 

But what are the most effective ways to increase website traffic? There are many options, but focusing on inbound marketing strategies is most effective. Here are five inbound marketing strategies that can help boost your website traffic, attract quality leads and turn them into actual customers. 

Leverage Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

First, it’s important to note how inbound marketing differs from outbound marketing. With outbound marketing, customers don’t seek you out. Instead, you go to them with TV ads, website banner ads, cold emails, direct mail campaigns, or another outbound strategy. 

On the other hand, inbound marketing puts the search in customers' hands. You create content and other assets that attract customers and persuade them to learn more about your brand and business. With this in mind, you can see how leveraging SEO would be an effective inbound marketing strategy to increase traffic to your website. 

You can make it so your website is one of the first to pop up in search engines when people type in specific keywords and phrases related to your business and its products or services. 

You don’t have to reach out to customers like you would with an outbound marketing strategy. Instead, they come to your site independently because they’re already searching for what you have.  

Offer Online Chat Support 

An effective inbound marketing strategy starts with product awareness. If people can’t find the info they’re looking for about your products on their own, they’ll look for help doing so from you. 

Chatbots and live chat agents are perfect for this because they can provide professionally crafted content to visitors to help them discover what they need to make a decision about moving forward with your business. 

Online chat support bolsters the customer experience and keeps visitors coming back because they know they have help finding what they need when they need it on your website. 

Guest Blog Regularly 

Starting a blog on your website is critical in your inbound marketing efforts. But what about guest blogging? Guest blogging can also bring loads of traffic to your website without you having to reach out to get that traffic. 

Most guest posting opportunities allow you to link back to your site either in the body of the post or in your bio. So, when readers want to learn more about your business, they can click on those links and navigate to your website.  

Guest blogging also helps you develop relationships with industry giants and become a thought leader, which results in even more traffic to your website. 

Design a Knowledge Base 

Designing a detailed knowledge base on your website is also an incredibly effective inbound marketing strategy. A knowledge base is an online library of information related to your industry, products, services, and other relevant topics that visitors can access at will. 

A knowledge base on your website gives customers more reasons to visit and learn more about your brand, especially when each page is optimized for search engines. 

Create Compelling Freebies 

One of the most slept-on inbound marketing strategies is creating compelling freebies. Whether you’re offering them in exchange for an email list signup or making them available on your website for anyone to download, solid freebies make visitors want to invest in and learn more about your business. 

Suppose they can download valuable free content, and it helps them solve a pertinent problem in their life. In that case, people will be more inclined to return to your website and deepen their relationship with your brand. 


There you have it, five effective inbound marketing strategies to increase web traffic. Of course, each of these requires much research, effort, and consistency to work. But it’s absolutely worth it if you want quality leads to visit your website regularly.