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5 Places for Content Inspiration

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyLooking for some content ideas? I have been low on inspiration lately, so I am happy to share with you the places that I have tapped for new ideas.Blog and Social Media CommentsWhen I am running short on ideas, I take a deep dive into my recent content posted on my own blog and on social media. I look for likes, shares, and comments as a hint that the topic was of interest to my target audience. Comments are gold – they are rare but they almost always tell me what’s top of mind and important to readers.Google It, Part 1I’m a long-term fan of Google Alerts. I set up alerts for keywords and let Google email the latest relevant content. Couldn’t be easier.Google It, Part 2When I know what basic topic I want to cover, I start with a Google search.Google will offer suggestions on what to search for as I type. These are based on actual searches people have completed recently. Not only do I get links to places where I can research, I get links that are currently of interest to real people.Google also offers common questions related to the topic and related searches. Lots of options from one search!WebinarsI get a lot of content ideas from webinars. Some ideas come just by scanning the topics being offered. Once a week, I try to participate in a webinar. This gives me a deeper dive into a topic that can turn into great content.ConferencesThis is a larger investment of time and money, but conferences are inspirational. I get great content ideas from the keynotes, education sessions, and even at group meals.I am always sure to bring home the program from a conference. I look up the presenters and the topics that I did not get to experience at the event. Some conferences also provide recordings of the sessions.