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5 Tips to Gain More Online Followers

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyNeed more social media followers? Here are 5 tips to help you grow your engagement online.1. Let your customers know you are online.Do you tell your customers where you are online? If you are a brick and mortar store, are your website and social media profiles apparent to visitors? Are they part of your print materials? And, online, is each place you are online connected to the others? If not, your customer may not have any idea where to find you online.2. Post with the right frequency.Posting too infrequently or too often can both be a reason not to follow you online. Too many post clog news feeds. Too few posts makes you disappear among all the information competing for attention. Understand how often your target audience wants to hear from you and meet that expectation. How often others post is not relevant – all that matters is what your audience wants.3. Make your content interesting.Post great content, always. Don’t get distracted by things that look popular. (Puppies and kittens anyone?) Stay laser-focused on what you know that your target audience cares about. Post content that matters and then connecting with you online will matter.4. Be engaging.No one wants to talk to someone who doesn’t talk back. Become part of the conversation and answer questions. Be as friendly online as when you make face-to-face connections.Respond to comments and interactions on your channels. Find and interact with the content that your followers and customers post.Don’t just talk about yourself. Talk about what your target audience members are doing. Share content from other sources .5. Think visual.Social media networks are increasingly centered around images and videos because that is the content that gets the most attention online. Use high quality visuals to attract followers. You can use free stock image sites and design apps like Canva to create visuals.[author]About the Author: Jill Kurtz founded Kurtz Digital Strategy to help clients see the communication potential of the newest trends and technologies. She is an expert at website strategy and redesign, social media planning, and developing exceptional content.[/author]