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5 Tips To Generate More ROI Through Email Marketing

Email marketing


Brian Wallace, Founder & President, NowSourcing

For the past 40 years, one of the significant sources of communication for the brand is email. Even in the age of instant messaging, email marketing is a primary choice of communication when it comes to marketing.

Emails are an efficient way for brands to reach out to their customers as they can be personalized. Moreover, the most significant advantage of email marketing is its cost-effectiveness. They require significantly less investment but have the capability of drawing a lot of revenue.  

According to a study, email marketing can deliver $44 ROI on average for every $1 spent. This makes it a great strategy to gain maximum return on investment (ROI) and boost your brand’s growth. However, if you decide to go for an email marketing platform like Mailchimp but it doesn’t suit your budget, you can explore Mailchimp alternatives that might.

5 Tips To Generate More ROI Through Email Marketing

One thing that may hold you back from generating revenues is not knowing the right ways to execute email marketing. If your email marketing campaign is a fail, it might do more damage than good.

So, here are a few tips on how you can get more ROI with email marketing.

Group Your Target Audience

Creating an extensive list of subscribers doesn't ensure the success of your campaign or better ROI. What really can help it succeed is grouping your target audience based on their purchase history, behavioral data, demographics, and sales funnel stages. Then, it will help you send the right emails to the right audience.

You can increase your revenue by 760% by dividing your target audience into groups. It helps you lead a focused email marketing campaign. A better understanding of the content type your audience is interested in will significantly help you retain your customers and even attract new customers.

Personalize emails

Another way to be relevant to your audience is by personalizing emails to make the subscribers feel important. For example, you can include the subscribers' first name with a greeting in the subject line. That way, it'll be more applicable to the individual subscriber.

The personalized emails will catch your subscribers' eye while they're scrolling through a plethora of daily emails from different brands. You can also level up by sending a follow-up email featuring related products after customers make purchases or even when they show their interest in a specific product.

Make It Mobile-Friendly

Remember that more than half of the emails today are opened on smartphones – considering that, you need to think of ways to accommodate those users. So, while your email should look good on computer screens, it should also be optimized for mobile devices and tablets.

You can do this by choosing email templates and optimize them to fit multiple screens. A neat and practical design will increase the click-through and open rates, ultimately getting you the ROI and brand awareness you desire.

 Focus on deliverability

Suppose you start an email campaign, and all the emails end up in the recipients' junk or spam folder – none of them actually reach them. As a result, all of your investment will go down the drain, and you won't gain any ROI.

To ensure your emails do not land in the recipients' junk or spam, you must create quality content. It should be free of spam trigger words.

Moreover, as much as you wish for your readers not to unsubscribe, it's in your favor to give them a clear option to do so. If they can't see or find the unsubscribe button to your emails, they will likely report you as spam.

Add Call To Actions

A marketing email is incomplete without a call to action button because the recipients won’t visit your website. If you aim to increase your sales and engagement, you should ensure that the subscribers take action after reading your email, and a call to action will guide them to do just that.

Adding a relevant call to action can also increase your website's traffic, in turn boosting engagement. However, the call to actions must be linked to the right pages. For example, if a subscriber clicks on the CTA button and it doesn't open the page they expected, they might get frustrated and close it.


In conclusion, email marketing has a great potential of increasing your ROI, boosting your brand image, and retaining customers. Thus, proving to be an efficient marketing tool. However, the key to achieving that is building an effective email marketing strategy and creating quality content valuable to your target audience.

If you use the strategies mentioned above, they will significantly help you to boost the ROI of your business.

Brian WallaceAbout the Author: Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian runs #LinkedInLocal events, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Adviser for 2016-present. Follow Brian Wallace on LinkedIn as well as Twitter.