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7 Easy Ways to Market Your Website

Jill KurtzJill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyWebsites seem to be the forgotten stepchildren of the online presence for many businesses.But, they are as important as ever.Your website is your online home base, the place where you get to say exactly what you want to say.It is the place where you need to relentlessly drive all your online interactions.Here are seven ways that you should be marketing your website:1. Set Up Google My BusinessClaim, verify, and update your Google My Business listing. This is extremely important. It’s free and will enable you to appear in local search results for queries specific to your products or services.2. BlogAdd a blog to your site and post at least once a month. This gives your website fresh content that will keep it fresh in the eyes of search engines and ensure site visitors that you are still actively engaged in your business.7 Easy Ways to Market Your Website3. Issue Press ReleasesPress releases still work, although often in a different ways than pre-online. Issue occasional releases about your business, using keywords and links to applicable content at your website. Then post them at free press release distribution IdeaMarketers.com4. Comment on Relevant Websites and BlogsContribute your expertise to relevant discussions online. Always include a relevant link to your website that offers more information or backs up your thoughts.5. Link Social SitesMake sure that all if your social profiles – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc – include a link to your website.6. Optimize for MobileMore and more people reach websites from mobile devices. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly and loads quickly. You can check both these very important factors using the Google Mobile and Speed Test.7. Submit Your Website to Google NewsYou can check whether your site is eligible here. You will have to verify your ownership of your site and make sure you are using meta-tags correctly. [author]About the Author: Jill Kurtz founded Kurtz Digital Strategy to help clients see the communication potential of the newest trends and technologies. She is an expert at website strategy and redesign, social media planning, and developing exceptional content.[/author]