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7 Great Ways to Get More Social Shares

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyThe average a piece of content posted to social media gets fewer than eight social shares. What can you do to beat the average? Plenty.Include Share ButtonsMake sure your posts have easy to use share buttons. You can pick the options you want to offer, but Facebook and share to email are the big ones. Make sure your share buttons are easy to find.Focus on the HeadlineMost people won’t read past your headline. The number of shares on my content based on the headline alone, proves this to me all the time. Great content hidden behind a boring headline will be a bust, Spent as much time on your headline as you do on the content. Really.Provide Great ContentIf you want people to share your content, you need to create content that is of value. You want your reader to think your content is worthy of sharing with his or audience. It is the value that your content provides that makes people like and share your content.…And Great ImagesWith major social networks like Pinterest and Instagram totally visual and posts on all networks with images getting the most views and shares, having a great image with every post is a must. An eye-catching image will draw attention to your post.Share Your Own ContentSocial media is a crowded space. You can’t assume that your target audience will see every post wherever you publish it. Help with the visibility of your content by sharing every post on every social channel where you are active. You never know where it will catch someones’s interest (and earn a share).Ask for SharesSometimes the most effective approach is the most straightforward: Don’t forget to ask for readers to share your content. Simply asking “please share” can be the prompt that gets you more engagement.Mention Other PeopleAdding mentions of other people to your content and social shares can increase the reach of your content. Who doesn’t want to share when they are mentioned on social media?[author]About the Author: Jill Kurtz founded Kurtz Digital Strategy to help clients see the communication potential of the newest trends and technologies. She is an expert at website strategy and redesign, social media planning, and developing exceptional content.[/author]