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7 Ways Blockchain Will Improve Digital Marketing and Advertising

Katrina Fernandez, SEO Specialist

If you think blockchain is only about currency, you’re missing out. Here are seven ways blockchain will improve your marketing and advertising.7 Ways Blockchain Will Improve Digital Marketing and Advertising

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Blockchain is normally associated with cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, but it has much broader applications. The ability to verify both parties in a transaction and make a permanent public record of the exchange impacts all areas of business.Blockchain is also set to disrupt a lot of the ways businesses do digital marketing and advertising. The good news is that many of these changes level the playing field and allow small companies to have the same access to consumers as larger ones.Here are seven ways blockchain will improve digital marketing and advertising.

You Can Improve Security

Data security is a huge issue for everyone who buys and sells online. There are frequent breaches that make the news, and everyone wonders if their identity or financial information has been compromised.With blockchain, each transaction is verified and publicly visible, but the people involved are anonymous. As a result, you’ll have better security for all transactions, and everyone involved is still completely anonymous.

You Can By Ads Without Middlemen

As a business, you want to make sure that the ads you buy are on high-quality websites that are actually targeted to the audience you’re interested in. This means paying a significant fee to a company like Google who has the reputation that both companies and website owners are looking for. It builds trust into the process.With blockchain, you can skip the ad networks entirely. Users will be verified automatically so you won’t need a third party like Google to create trust. Companies placing ads and websites with space available can work together seamlessly.

Companies Can Get Higher Quality Consumer Information

People want to control their personal information, and they’re tired of signing up with Company A and suddenly getting ads from Company B, Company C, and Company D.Blockchain will give consumers a chance to charge for their contact information and ensure that only the companies they are interested in receive their data. That may sound bad for business, but actually it’s great – instead of wasting money on data from uninterested people, you’ll get targeted, accurate information from those who are actually curious about your company.

It Will Be Easier For Small Companies to Build Trust

As a small business, it can be hard to stand out, especially if there are established players in your industry. Many consumers are understandably wary of businesses they haven’t heard of before, and hawking poor-quality products is an epidemic online.With blockchain, reputable businesses will be able to build trust quickly no matter how small they are. You’ll be able to prove where your products are coming from and show people every step of the supply chain. This will help customers know what you’re providing and they will be much more willing to buy from you over other competitors.

Blockchain Allows You to Accept Alternate Payment

 Blockchain, Advertising and Marketing

Image by ErfourisStudio from Pixabay

While accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies aren’t mainstream yet, it could become that way. Blockchain makes this type of payment transparent. Retailers won’t have to worry about forged checks, bad credit cards, or other chargeback issues.With more secure payments, you could save thousands each year on banking fees related to chargebacks and fraud.

Avoid the Fake Factor

It seems like almost everything online either is fake or could be. Fake followers, fake likes, even fake products as criminals try to scam people out of their hard-earned money. It’s the reason that consumers have a hard time trusting advertisements – and why companies like yours have a hard time getting a return on investment (ROI) on marketing.With blockchain, you will know whether the money you spend on ads is going to the audience you’re targeting. You’ll deal directly with publishers, not questionable third parties. Your marketing will be more effective, and customers will know they can trust your advertisements.Looking for help with your marketing now, even before blockchain is mainstream? Reach out to a top-rated digital marketing services firm today.

You’ll be Able to Showcase Environmental and Social Responsibility

Do you source your products or supplies through environmentally friendly or socially responsible avenues? If so, consumers should know – they’re willing to pay a premium for things that don’t hurt the planet or other people.The problem is that until now, consumers haven’t know if the companies making the claims are telling the truth. After all, they can’t see your supply chain. But with blockchain, they actually can. No one can accuse you of cooperating with sweatshops or harming endangered species because you’ll be able to quickly prove them wrong.If you’re doing things the right way, blockchain will help you stand out.

Blockchain Benefits Business

Blockchain is the future of business and marketing, but that’s not a bad thing. It will help small businesses compete with larger companies, reduce costs, and increase transparency and trust with consumers.Your marketing will benefit significantly. You’ll target exactly who you intend to, no wasted money!

Katrina FernandezAbout the Author: Katrina is a hardworking individual who always gives her best. As a degree holder, she aspires to establish within the media industry. Expert in building online partnership, she's been working in digital marketing services, Local SEO Search Inc. for several years.