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A Conversation with Jeff Nussbaum, Author, 'Undelivered: The Never-heard Speeches that would have Rewritten History'

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Join Michael and former senior speechwriter for President Joe Biden as they discuss his fascinating new book, Undelivered: The Never-heard Speeches That Would Have Rewritten History. Undelivered presents some of the most notable, never delivered speeches from Richard Nixon’s refusal to resign to Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech; from Dwight Eisenhower’s apology for the failure of the D-Day invasion to Japanese Emperor Hirohito’s apology for his role in World War II.


Jeff Nussbaum

Jeff Nussbaum is an adjunct professor of Public Communication. Nussbaum is a partner in the speechwriting and strategy firm West Wing Writers. He has previously served as a speechwriter for Vice President Joe Biden, Vice President Al Gore, and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. Most recently Nussbaum oversaw all speechwriting operations for the 2012 Democratic National Convention. In addition to his speechwriting experience, Jeff was the co-author and collaborator with James Carville on the 2003 bestseller, Had Enough? Jeff also collaborated with Senator Bob Graham on his book Intelligence Matters, which was published to critical acclaim in September 2004 and updated and re-released in 2008. As a co-founder of The Humor Cabinet, Nussbaum has also worked on humor speeches for dozens of elected officials and corporate executives and has served as a creative consultant for the Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.


Michael Zeldin

Michael Zeldin is a well-known and highly-regarded TV and radio analyst/commentator.He has covered many high-profile matters, including the Clinton impeachment proceedings, the Gore v. Bush court challenges, Special Counsel Robert Muller’s investigation of interference in the 2016 presidential election, and the Trump impeachment proceedings.

In 2019, Michael was a Resident Fellow at the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School, where he taught a study group on Independent Investigations of Presidents.

Previously, Michael was a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice. He also served as Deputy Independent/ Independent Counsel, investigating allegations of tampering with presidential candidate Bill Clinton’s passport files, and as Deputy Chief Counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives, Foreign Affairs Committee, October Surprise Task Force, investigating the handling of the American hostage situation in Iran.

Michael is a prolific writer and has published Op-ed pieces for, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Hill, The Washington Times, and The Washington Post.

Follow Michael on Twitter: @michaelzeldin

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