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The Precise Date On Which Artificial Intelligence Will Destroy Humanity

In a recent survey of 2,700 AI researchers, the likelihood of human extinction to be caused by AI was deemed “non-trivial” and estimated to be around 5%. While we’d probably all feel better if this was zero, it is still a far cry from those closest to AI systems believing there was a high probability that this was our inevitable future.

About 8 years ago, we got a Google Home for our then-high school-aged son. Every morning while getting dressed, he would ask his Google Home for a weather forecast for the day. When it dutifully replied, my son always said “thank you.” At some point, my daughter (who is 3 years younger) asked my son why he always says thank you. He replied that he did this so that when the machines take over the world someday, he would get a nicer cage than other humans because he treated the machines with respect. Pretty prescient for a high schooler. And this was many years before ChatGPT and other AI systems were released to the general public.

Read the full article at CoCreations.