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A Raise: 4 Techniques To Get One

A Raise-4 Techniques To Get OneMarie Raperto, The Hiring HubA raise?You want it and believe you deserve one but how do you get it?According to PayScale,  57 percent of employees have never negotiated their salary.You shouldn't be afraid to ask why you are getting the amount and to ask for more, be able to justify your position with statistics, accomplishments, goals met, etc.It might not work but even a small increase will mount up over the years.Here's what you need to do before asking:

  1. Facts.  Are you underpaid compared to others doing the same work?  Doing your homework will help position you.
  2. Your Value.  It costs more to replace an employee than to give a raise.  Sometimes questioning your salary and asking for more will make your employer think about the cost of losing you.  Know what you've accomplished over the last year and be secure in it's value and how it helped the department/company.
  3. Negotiate.  Don't argue.  Don't get nasty.  Talk the issue through.  It has to be a win-win for everyone.  Maybe you won't get a bigger increase now but, possibly, in six months etc.
  4. Weather.  According to a study done by the University of Southern Brittany, people are more receptive on a sunny day.  Whether this works or not, why take the chance!