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Advantages and Challenges With Social Media Marketing Efforts

There are many companies that have decided to invest in marketing and public relations  campaigns on social media platforms these days. In fact, according to a recent survey, around 90% of all US companies tend to use social media platforms as part of their overall marketing efforts. That means, for a company to be successful with its own social media marketing efforts, it needs to invest a lot of time and effort. This is an important aspect of social media marketing that companies need to keep in mind, and one of the best ways to circumvent all that competitors is by working with social media influencers or experts. Aside from that, companies have a few other challenges, as well as advantages when it comes to social media marketing.

Time and Mistakes

For many companies, time tends to be an equal resource to their finances. When it comes to social media marketing, it means that companies have to invest a lot of time every day, and every week engaging with a target audience, answering questions from potential customers, as well as creating and sharing high-quality content regularly. Furthermore, part of developing an effective social media marketing campaign is for a company to make mistakes. There are numerous mistakes that companies have made with their social media marketing efforts in the past, which have only served them as guiding posts and lessons on how they can improve their future social media marketing efforts. Some of the common mistakes include allowing the company's marketing messages to get misunderstood, misunderstanding the audience itself, and more. However, it takes time and effort to learn how to handle social media marketing efforts, but at the end of the day, it's definitely worth it.


One of the biggest advantages that companies get when investing in social media marketing efforts is the fact that most social media platforms tend to be quite easy for people to use. In fact, the easier that a social media platform is to use for both a company and its target audience, the better because this can help companies in improving their marketing efforts, as well as develop stronger relationships with that target audience. This is because if a platform is easy for both parties to use, it's a lot more likely for the company's target audience to spend a lot more time on that platform.


Most advertising campaigns on social media platforms tend to be done with a pay-per-click (PPC) model. Additionally, according to research, the average PPC cost tends to be quite low compared to any other digital platform that also has native advertising options for companies. Moreover, when it comes to social media platforms, companies only pay those costs, whenever the users take the company's desired actions. Furthermore, targeting on social media platforms is unmatched compared to any other digital channel. In fact, companies can laser target the specific segments of their target audiences by practically any metric that they want. This is incredibly beneficial for marketing efforts, especially if a company wants to promote brand new solutions. It's also one of the reasons why social media marketing is one of the best ways for companies to utilize marketing efforts in the first place, as they're able to research target audiences, and lead them to the next stage of their buying journey easily and effectively.

Mike Pauffman

About the Author: Mike Paffmann is CEO of Virgo PR, a leading PR firm.