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Analytics-Driven Content Marketing

John Ruwane - featuredBy John Ruvane, SVP Business Development, NextWorksOver half of physicians who use the Internet for professional purposes are using professional social media channels such as Skipta, Doximity, Sermo, and others. And over a third of these physicians use consumer social media channels like Facebook and Twitter for professional purposes. The old days of measuring physician influence by academic standing, published research, and status within key professional societies is passé. Social media has completely changed the landscape of physician influence. And with physicians becoming increasingly more difficult to see, engaging them online has become critical.Brand managers and commercial decision-makers in pharma are eager to know more about the physicians who are wielding the most influence online relative to their particular category. Which professionals are most important in the online conversations relevant to their category or brand? What are they saying? Who is listening to them? What questions do they have? Where is the target audience spending time online? While pharma has increasingly invested in social media analytics, it’s critical to turn those analytics into action.NextWorks has developed a three-step, analytics-driven content marketing approach for the professional audience.Step One: Who, What & WhereGather the analytics to discover the “who, what, and where.” Find out who’s driving the conversation, what they are talking about, who they are connected to, and where they are spending time online.Step Two: Create & CurateLeverage the analytics to uncover and address any content gaps in your professional brand story. Create new, engaging, and socially shareable content to fill those gaps.Step Three: Package & DistributePackage your analytics-optimized content, and place it exactly where physicians who influence your brand are spending time online.Many pharma marketers have invested in social analytics but struggle to either gather insights from those data or to turn those insights into action. If you have invested in professional social media analytics, NextWorks and our analytics partner, MDigital Life, can leverage your existing social analytics and complement it as needed to ensure you have the actionable data that you need. This does not need to be an expensive or time-consuming process.We can then audit and assess your content to determine if there are critical content gaps that must be filled based on the analytics. Our deep expertise producing HCP and patient videos allows us to quickly and cost-efficiently produce a continuous flow of highly-engaging visual content to fill any content gaps.Finally, NextWorks’ Content Capsule, an embed-able website platform, is deployed to creatively package videos, images, documents and other content into highly engaging interactive experiences. Content Capsules are then embedded across all of the digital channels where your target physicians are spending time. This creates a tailored syndication network that can be simultaneously updated in response to audience feedback and as market dynamics continue to evolve.[author]About the Author: John Ruvane is Senior Vice President, Business Development at NextWorks. He has over 25 years of experience in pharmaceutical sales & marketing spanning professional, payer, and patient segments. [/author]