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Anatha Announces Equitable Public Token Sale Accepting Fiat and Crypto

CommPRO Editorial StaffAnatha, an ethos-driven decentralized technology company dedicated to eliminating global poverty, announced the public sale of its native token, ANATHA (as well as the launch of its mobile app on both iOS or Android). This is an innovative token sale designed to lower the barrier to entry—with greater ease of use, simpler payment methods, and a low point of financial participation. With this sale, Anatha's objective is to make the purchase of cryptocurrency more accessible to more people around the world.The ANATHA public token sale is among the first to accept debit/credit cards for as little as $50 to start. Through its partner, Simplex, people can use their credit/debit cards to buy up to $25,000 of ANATHA, the highest limit ever. Buyers can of course use either Ethereum (ETH) or Bitcoin (BTC) to buy as many ANATHA tokens as they want.Anatha is dedicated to helping eliminate global poverty by creating an ecosystem and economic model that returns the value generated on the network directly back to participants. Rather than the company extracting the value that people create using the application, that value automatically flows directly to the very people who created it through its hard-coded mechanism, the Anatha Torus. This includes 25% of the inflation model as newly minted tokens are continuously distributed directly to end users. The goal is to create a regenerative, bottom-up universal basic income (UBI) that can elevate all participants above the global poverty line.“Cryptocurrency is not just an asset; it is a radical technology that can and will fundamentally change the world — and, in fact, already is,” Edward DeLeon, founder and CEO of Anatha. “After all, money and economic systems are the protocol layer of any society allowing for the distribution and expression of value, division and diversification of labor, as well as the management of wealth. We are aiming high, leveraging these technologies to eliminate global poverty.”The Anatha public token sale is different from others in many ways. There is no limited window for crypto “insiders.” Instead, the sale is ongoing, designed to reach everyone, everywhere — which is why the initial total supply is over 7.8B: one ANATHA for everyone on the planet. And unlike the majority of sales, Anatha is selling 98% of the total token supply, keeping only 2% for bonuses, bounties, and future partners. This reinforces the company’s belief in the power of decentralization and its dedication to creating a true Crypto for the 100%.Source: Blockchain Wire