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Apply the 'Team First' Approach to Grow Your Agency

Michele LitzkyMichele Litzky, President & Owner, Litzky Public RelationsI started Litzky Public Relations in 1988 knowing a siloed, ‘Me-First’ culture wouldn’t cut it. I needed a collaborative, family-centric workforce to help the agency reach its potential, and thus, our ‘Team First’ model was born.When I founded the agency, I was a sole proprietor. Like most entrepreneurs, I had to count on myself to do everything: counseling clients, writing press releases, running events, and sweating the small stuff. I was accountable and on the line for everything.It worked, until it didn’t. I learned quickly that I needed a strong team to be successful, but simply hiring bodies to do the work was not the answer.As my agency grew – we are now a team of 25 professionals – my goal was to create a culture that values team work while still giving individual employees the chance to shine. The competitive ‘Me First’ mentality commonly associated with the PR industry doesn’t work in a small to mid-sized agency. It’s disruptive.That’s why we started – and stay true to – our ‘Team First’ model, which helps LPR’s agency leaders create a culture where everyone succeeds – and stays.While ‘Team First’ has a feel-good component, it’s far from just “fluff.” It’s a savvy business practice that also impacts the bottom line.Happy employees stay put. That means our turnover – and time spent training new talent – is low. In fact, LPR’s employees stay 5, 10, and 15+ years – a metric we attribute to this valuable mindset.The Team-First attitude and correlated low retention rate don’t just help LPR; they directly benefit clients. Happy, loyal employees provide continuity among teams, a deep industry knowledge, and, above all, PR pros who are eager and excited to succeed.To apply ‘Team First’ to your agency, follow our tried-and-true formula:

  • Treat employees like family: Make your office a second home and think of your employees as family members – not paychecks.
  • Equality among employees: From top to bottom, everyone should be treated equally and given a voice and the opportunity to be heard. They may not get a vote, but they’re part of the process.
  • Agency-wide brainstorms: Silos don’t make for satisfied employees; we engage staffers across diverse teams in agency-wide brainstorms, whether it’s specific asks for a client or creative concepts for larger campaigns. This will give everyone the chance to work together and to be heard.
  • Mentor at all levels: Everyone deserves a good mentor. Train your senior-level employees and empower them to mentor their direct reports (and those beneath them). The trickle-down mentorship effect gets everyone involved and gives everyone a sense of leadership.
  • Fun is a must: Today’s employees don’t just want a paycheck – they want an experience. Offering fun activities like field day, winery trips, weekly yoga, and trips to the Knicks games are some of the many ways we keep LPR staffers satisfied within – and beyond – the 9 – 6.
  • Involve everyone: Leadership opportunities aren’t just for team leads. Whether it’s planning the holiday party, running a social channel, or heading up the internship program, employees should be invited and encouraged to be involved at all levels.
  • Reward hard work: Big wins don’t just deserve a pat on the back. Go above and beyond by congratulating your teams on major successes with early dismissals, special meals, and agency-wide recognition.
  • Set a work-life balance example: It’s easy to tell employees to leave on time or engage in fun activities, but you need to walk the walk. Let employees see you leaving on time or participating in field day and they’ll be more likely to fully embrace the work-life balance parameters you’ve set.
  • Take pride in your employees: Sure, bonuses and promotions give your employees recognition, but to truly build the agency/ employee bond, shout louder. Tell anyone you speak to how impressed you are by your employees and rave about them to their faces. The more valued they feel, the more loyal they’ll be to your business. I call all 25 of my employees rock stars every chance I get – because they’ve earned it.

While the PR industry has a cut-throat stereotype, making employees accountable to themselves and their teams is not as tough as one might think. Implement the ‘Team-First’ model, and over time your agency will transform from a group of individuals into a cohesive, powerful family. [author]About the Author: Michele founded LPR in 1988 with just one client, Matchbox Toys. Today, she’s grown the agency to nearly 25 employees with a full client roster, ranging in categories from toys and baby gear to lifestyle brands and social good campaigns. Her family has grown, too. In addition to three nieces, Rachel, Alison and Samantha, her grandchildren, Emma, Jack and Henry are the newest jewels in her crown.[/author]