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Are You Using the Right Words on Your LinkedIn Profile?

Jill KurtzBy Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyLanguage that is not clear will kill the impact you want to have on LinkedIn. Using industry buzz words and even general corporate jargon can dramatically reduce the search-ability and comprehension of your profile page and posts.Jargon and clichés make it harder for you to be found on social media. They can also prevent the visitors who actually do stop by your profile from understanding what you want to say. If you want to reflect professional expertise without losing readers, follow these tips:Searchable HeadlineYour headline should use important keywords that relate to your business or expertise. Text in the headline is assumed to be important, so it get weighted with importance in searches.Keep in mind that when people search for job candidates or someone to help with a business need, they tend to search by general titles and not by specialized terms. Your headline should include a few different search terms related to your area of expertise.Job Roles Rather than TitlesSome job titles just don’t make sense. Label each employment experience with your role. Don’t worry about the official title. Again, this gives you the ability to highlight the most relevant expertise and keywords related to each position.Keep in mind that when people visit your profile they are likely scan your professional timeline, absorbing only surface-level highlights. So, make sure that even if someone just looks at your job history that the role labels tell the right story.Clear, Helpful LanguageDon’t use any tired phrases in your summary or as you list expertise. Everyone is a team player – what can you say that makes you unique? We all aren’t cutting-edge, so what is it that I really should know about how you work? By avoiding tired phrases, you can really create a profile that tells an interesting story.[author]About the Author: Jill Kurtz founded Kurtz Digital Strategy to help clients see the communication potential of the newest trends and technologies. She is an expert at website strategy and redesign, social media planning, and developing exceptional content.[/author]