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Attracting Eyeballs to Your Great Content

Jill KurtzBy Jill Kurtz, Owner Kurtz Digital StrategyWriting and publishing great online content is only part of the effort to get attention for your expertise. You need readers. Here’s how to attract them.Use the Right KeywordsUse the keywords that the people you want to reach use in every piece of content you write. These words should be part of the content, including the headline and subheads. If your content is published on a blog, also use keywords for categories and tagging.Have a Sign-Up ServiceLet site visitors sign up to receive updates from you when you have new content. Being able to stay connected to interested readers is invaluable.Create a Site MapUse an automatic sitemap creation tool to create a visual site map on your site. Also use a tool to generate a XML sitemap to optimize your site for search engines.Post at Other SitesPost your comments and opinions on websites and blogs that are related to your area of expertise. Look for opportunities to write guest posts at blogs. Be sure to follow each sites rules, but whenever possible include links back to your website and specific related content.Be EngagingReply to comments on your content promptly. Visit the content of the people who comments on yours and comment there as well. You want to cultivate a feeling of an ongoing exchange with you.Create AwarenessIn everything that you do online and offline, make a connection back to your content:*Email signature*Social media profiles*Other online profiles*Business cards*Business directory listings*Mention in related conversations*Giveaways[author]About the Author: Jill Kurtz founded Kurtz Digital Strategy to help clients see the communication potential of the newest trends and technologies. She is an expert at website strategy and redesign, social media planning, and developing exceptional content.[/author]