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Back to School? Back to the Gym

The summer is nearly drawing to a close and getting back to school is once again upon us. Getting in shape doesn't always have to mean trekking to the gym for dozens of enormous machines. Although a gym offers a machine for any muscle you want to train, most people can get fit with only a few pieces of small, inexpensive equipment. 

A gym may be the better option for those already past the basics who want to move on to heavier weights or pinpoint a muscle group with a specific machine. However, to many people, the costs of a gym membership and transportation to and from the gym make it a cost-inefficient option. Most people can train by simple and inexpensive at-home machines. 2 primary devices can enable you to achieve the same goals as a gym.

The first machine is an under-desk treadmill. An under-desk treadmill isn't perfect as a dedicated workout-time machine, but something to do when working or browsing on a computer. A treadmill can be a strenuous activity, but a major advantage of using a treadmill is its adjustability and versatility to exercise in the background. It's a great healthy habit to keep moving while using a computer for extended periods. If you want to build cardiovascular endurance, a treadmill is great for cardio and doesn't require much attention to receive the array of benefits of frequent cardio. Frequent cardio has proven to improve mental health, cognitive functions like memory and attention, along with physical health.

The second machine is a weight bench. Weight benches are great for gaining muscle mass and losing calories quickly. Weight benches also provide plenty of versatility for different types and styles of lifting or calisthenics. Unlike the cardio from a treadmill, exercise on a weight bench is intended to be intense and stimulate rapid muscle growth. 

Weight benches, unlike a treadmill, require full attention. They are intended to have time dedicated to them. However, there are many benefits to doing some sort of high-intensity workout. These include apparent benefits such as muscle gain, strength, and endurance. HIIT also increases the body's metabolism, meaning your body consumes more fat tissue in the same amount of exercise. Doing High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT, like weight lifting, is much more time efficient in burning calories and losing weight than cardio.

Both pieces of equipment are vital in their own ways and paired together create an environment where most people can achieve attainable goals.

About the Author: Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s.Brianruns #LinkedInLocal events, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Adviser for 2016-present. Follow Brian Wallace on Linked In as well as Twitter.