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Be Happy At Work: 5 Items To Add To Your Desk

Be Happy At Work - 5 Items To Add To Your Desk - The Hiring HubMarie Raperto, The Hiring HubWant to be happy at work?  Science has found that having certain items on your desk can make you happier at work, according to PayScale. Surroundings matter so, when possible personalize your space.  Here are the five items researchers have found to be helpful:

  1.  A new lamp.  Artificial lighting can be difficult.  A survey done by the American Society of Interior Designers found that 68% of employees were dissatisfied with the lighting at work.  While natural light is best, try to reduce glare and shadows through indirect lighting rather than the overhead kind.
  2. Bring in healthy snacks.  Supplement your regular good food with a few healthy snacks at you keep in your desk, like nuts and dried fruit.  If you are stressed, can't get out to lunch, try a little snack to boost your mood.
  3. Add a picture or memento.  Photos or a memento can remind you of the people, things and places that you've enjoyed.  So bring a little piece of those memories with you to work.
  4. Bring in something you love or enjoy.  Have a favorite back pillow, pen or even a crystal?  Bring it in, just looking at it or touching it may brighten your mood.
  5. Plants.  Research has shown that having a plant at work is good for you.  They improve productivity, concentration and reduce stress.  It seems positive feelings are enhanced by seeing greenery and nature.

Little things do matter. While you want to stay within the office rules, try these tips.  It may help.