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Best Off-Page SEO Techniques That Really Work Today

Why Small Businesses Need SEOFrank Hamilton, Blogger

In our article, we will talk about the key techniques of off-page SEO that really work. Off-page search engine optimization are methods of increasing a web page's ranking in search by performing offline actions in addition to content and other on-page functions. 

Some off-page SEO methods: 

  • Link building. A quality number of inbound links is one of the important factors used by search engines to calculate search rankings. Google has a separate algorithm for ranking, called PageRank, which is basically based on the number of quality and relevant inbound links per page.
  • Search Engine Submission. Submitting the site and Sitemap to search engines and other web directories.
  • SMM. Using social media sites to promote your content or some pictures, for example, photo retouching examples.
  • Offline site promotion. Such as newsletters and blog feed subscriptions.

How to Use Different Techniques of Off-Page SEO

Credible backlinks are one of the main techniques of external search engine optimization. In the past, search engines ranked pages based on factors on the page, such as meta tag, page title and content. It was important for search engines to find an effective way to rank a page in addition to on-page factors because of the improper use of meta tags and keyword stuffing.

The concept of inbound links is very simple. A good content will attract more links from other sites. Consequently, it is directly proportional to the real value of your content, and search engines also use this theory to evaluate page rankings. A page with quality links will get better search engine results, especially on Google.

You also need to promote the content in an acceptable way, while good content will attract more links. Here are some simple recommendations for link building:

  • Don't pay to get links from sites with high PR. Search engines will ban your entire site if they are discovered.
  • Only create links from sites whose content is similar to yours.
  • Avoid creating spam links with irrelevant site content compared to yours.
  • Create meaningful anchor text when linking instead of using unnecessary names or phrases like "click here".
  • Analyze sites that link to your competitor's site and evaluate the value of links from those sites, such as directories.
  • Build links continuously instead of building massive links in one day.
  • Use the link rejection tools in Google or Bing webmaster tools to tell the search engines not to consider unwanted links pointing to your site.

It is highly recommended that you start doing things yourself without paying others. Link building is a slow and ongoing process that will take a long time to make your content more popular. Here are a few off-page methods you can do on your own to boost your site's rankings.

  1. ​​Your own sites. Make sure you avoid reciprocal links that lead back and forth between two of your sites.
  2. Web directories. Directories are the best way to build external links. Make sure your site is in the appropriate category, and provide the correct information when requesting confirmation.
  3. Social Media and Bookmarking. In today's world, social media and bookmarking is the easiest way to promote content by sharing content. Most hosting providers offer the ability to add social media widgets to provide instant sharing and bookmarking to sites such as Digg. It's not just for only to drive traffic to your page, but also to increase the popularity of your content.
  4. Linked blogs and forums. Become a member of a forum that is relevant to your site's content. Start providing links to your content in interested discussions as soon as you become eligible to post links. Ensure you get a good reputation and provide useful information on the forums. Guest blogs are another way to write articles on blogging platforms and link to your site.
  5. E-books and videos. Combining a topic into an e-book or creating a demo video automatically generates inbound links to your site. There are many sites on the Internet that can index your e-books or videos in PDF format without any action on your part.
  6. Apps. Creating an app in the Apple, Windows, or Google Play Store will attract mobile and tablet users. It will also help sites index your app and link your site.


Use the off-page SEO techniques described in this article. It will help you improve the search engine indexing of your site and improve its position. 

​​Do you like this topic? Click here for more details. You might find even more useful information about promoting your site. 

Frank HamiltonAbout the Author: Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.