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Biden’s ‘MAGA, A Threat To Democracy’ Speech Prevented The GOP Wave

Democratic Debate # 8: So Long, Iowa. Hello Mike?

At long last the mid-term elections that began on November 8 concluded on December 6 with the election of Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock.

Ever since the Republican wave failed to materialize in the mid-term elections, pundits from the left and right have been telling their naive followers what happened when the reason is obvious: President Joe Biden labeled the extreme MAGA followers of twice-impeached former President Donald (“Let’s suspend the Constitution”) Trump as a threat to democracy. And many voters agreed despite pundits saying that the inflationary rise in everyday goods would determine how a person votes to the detriment of the Democrats.

On Oct. 9, on this website, I authored a column which said, in part, “President Joe Biden was right when he called out the MAGA Republicans as a threat to democratic values and Democratic candidates should follow his lead.” 

On Sept. 9 an article in Salon said, “Biden gave his speech right before Labor Day weekend and then Reuters/Ipsos polled Americans after the holiday. What they found was a solid 58% of respondents agreed with Biden that Trump and his movement are undermining democracy. Interestingly, 59% also agreed that the speech was "divisive," showing that all the media hand wringing was influencing people's responses. Clearly, a lot of respondents are of the belief that they are smart enough to see the truth in Biden's words but worry that other Americans are not. Still, Biden accomplished what he set out to do. Americans are listening, paying attention, and really beginning to believe the threat to democracy is real.”

Many Democratic candidates followed Biden’s approach and the Democrats remained in control of the Senate.  If more did the Democrats might have also won a majority in the House. An oft repeated reason for not paying attention to pundits, I have frequently written, is because their opinions and analysis are habitually wrong. Immediately after Biden made his democracy is on the line speech even many pundits who supported him criticized him for calling the extreme MAGA Republicans a threat to Democracy. 

Biden’s MAGA speech didn’t fade away in a few days. It lived on as a topic on cable news until the U.S. Senate run-off election in Georgia on Dec. 6. Chances are the speech will have a long shelve life and be referred to until after the 2024 presidential election.

Years ago the election season began on Labor Day and concluded after Election Day. That scenario went the way of the horse and buggy. Because of cable TV, we now have a continuous election season that, like the movie Groundhog Day, never ends.

Given those circumstances what should Democrats do if they hope to be triumphant in the 2024 election? Beginning right now:

  • They should counter the GOP fanatics that will control committees in the House beginning on Jan. 3 by immediately answering every charge. This should be done by the Democrats setting up a Truth Response Committee.

  • They should continue Biden’s “democracy is at stake” campaign.

  • They should press GOP candidates on whether they agree with Trump that the Constitution should be suspended and that he should assume the presidency.

  • They should not let the voters forget about Jan. 6 and Donald Trump’s part in it.

  • They should campaign on bread and butter and health care issues, but never underplay the threat to democracy.

  • They must not make the mistake they made in the 2020 mid-terms by ceding the “tough on crime” issue to the Republicans.  One way of doing this is to publicize the crime rate in GOP controlled states.

  • They should publicize the benefits citizens are getting in 2023 because of legislation they passed in 2022.

  • They must address the constant spate of mass shootings on a state-by-state basis as well as pushing for one national law.

  • They must admit there is a problem at the border and the Senate should introduce continuous corrective legislation options even though it will probably be blocked by the GOP controlled House.

  • They must listen to the concerns of rural voters instead of concentrating on big city turnouts and enlist candidates that appeal to rural communities.

  • The Democratic-controlled Senate should investigate the leaks of the two written decisions by Supreme Court Justice Alitio.

  • And importantly they must continue urging young people to vote.

Whether he runs for another term or not (and I feel he should not because of his age), President Biden has demonstrated his political acumen. His advice should be welcomed and asked for by elected Democratic legislators as should Nancy Pelosi’s.

Immediately after the votes were counted in the 2022 mid-terms, pundits were predicting a GOP takeover in the Senate because “the 2024 Senate political map greatly favors the Republicans,” pointing out that many Democratic Senators in red states are up for reelection. But history shows that the pundit’s accuracy is not only dubious but wrong.

It’s doesn’t matter what the pundits say. It’s what the voters do.

A Lesson for PR Practitioners

Never give up on a faltering program. Always think of ways to salvage it, as President Biden did late during the 2022 mid-term election when he convinced voters that while inflation was a problem, even more important was the MAGA Republicans threat to democracy. If an approved program is faltering never be afraid to make mid-course corrections and additions to it, but clear it with the client by explaining why you want to do so.