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Bollywood Star Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison

Edward Schinik, CFO, Yorkville Advisors

Imagine you “may” have done something 20 years ago. Since then, you have built a massively popular career in the entertainment industry. Now, you have been convicted of the crime you were accused of 20 years ago, and you face five years in prison, labeled as a ‘habitual offender’ by the sentencing judge.

Bollywood Star Sentenced to 5 Years in PrisonThat’s the situation being faced by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who was convicted of poaching ‘rare deer’ in a wildlife preserve back in 1998. Even as he was being sentenced, Khan maintained his innocence in the matter, offering as an example that he has been acquitted in several similar cases. Not so this time.

The conviction will be appealed, but it’s not yet clear whether an appellate court will be willing to hear the appeal any time soon. That means Khan, a veteran of more than 90 films, is facing a brand re-evaluation among his fan base.

Khan has long been known as a “bad boy” in Bollywood cinema, having survived multiple scrapes with the law, as well as a string of tabloid-worthy relationships. But this is a new level of legal attention for the actor, who may well see prison this time.

Before now, perhaps Khan’s most recent major PR dustup came during his tumultuous relationship with Bollywood siren, Aishwarya Rai in the early 2000s. That relationship was known for being volatile, including an incident where Khan pounded on Rai’s apartment door during an argument, until, media reports say, his hands were “bloody.”

When asked about the incident, Khan said the couple “fought” because “of our love,” adding, “If you won’t fight, that means there is no love between you…”

Longtime fans will remember this is not Khan’s first clash with law enforcement, and he’s had short stints in prison three times: in 1998, 2006, and 2007. Those three times totaled 18 days, many, many less than what he’s facing now. On each of those occasions, the charge was poaching, though he was acquitted due to a lack of evidence.

Khan’s fellow actors were quick to come to his defense, calling the sentence “too harsh” and openly hoping it would be overturned on appeal. Part of this is due to the fact that four other Bollywood stars were also charged in the case, though they were later acquitted.

Outside Bollywood, opinions are split on Khan’s fate. Many fans feel he is being singled out, while some animal activists feel this is justice that’s been delayed too long. At this point, though, the big question is what will happen to Khan’s star if he does do the time.