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Build Your Brand in 7 Simple Steps

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyWhether you are an individual professional or are representing an organization online, you need to define your brand. That’s right, even individuals need a brand.A brand is how we differentiate in business terms from everyone else. That’s how you get a job or make the right professional connections. It is how businesses find the right customers and explain their products and services.Ignoring or not actively managing your brand online doesn’t mean you won’t have one. It’s worse – it means that your brand will be defined by others. You may or, likely, may not like the results.Here are the steps to take to actively manage your brand online:Google yourself. Find out where you are online and assess what your brand looks like already. What do you like? What needs to be changed? Where do you need to be? Make an assessment of the current landscape so you can factor your research in as you move forward.Define your goal. What do you want to achieve? How do you want to be perceived? Take time to answer these questions before you proceed.Flesh out your brand. Write about who you are and what you do. Note what makes you different from others in the same field or industry. Talk about the things that people want to know about you.Make your website a worthy home base. Create a website or edit your current site to reflect your brand. Pay attention to words and images. Have others look at your website and tell you who you are and what differentiates you. If the responses match the brand you have defined, great! If not, work on your website some more.Expand your brand. Optimize your social media profiles and other profiles online so they are consistent with your brand and goals. Use consistent words and images. Make it easy for people to connect the dots from one online location to another. Your consistent brand across multiple locations strengthens your brand.Connect with your target audience. Once you have a solid foundation for your brand online, you are ready to start connecting with others. Create and post content. Invite people to follow you. Follow people who matter to you. Comment on posts from people and about subjects that are relevant to your goals and brand.Tell your brand story. You are never done telling your brand story. Tell in it posts, in images, in videos. Share your story many ways and on many platforms. Whether you have connected with someone long ago or just now, no one has your brand memorized. Make it easy for them to know you and what you do. Stay relevant.This effort isn’t done when you get to step 7. They all need constant revisiting. You are only relevant online if you keep everything fresh and current. Pace yourself. Set an agenda that you can live with for the long-term. Success is found over months and years of consistent presentation of your brand. You are worth the investment.