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CanCoin ($CANNA) Now Listed on KingSwap and PancakeSwap DEXes

CommPRO Editorial StaffTechnicorum Holdings, an incubator of innovative DeFi and NFT project KingSwap, announced the listing of the $CANNA token on PancakeSwap and KingSwap decentralized exchanges.The CanCoin project has confirmed the listing of the $CANNA tokens on PancakeSwap and KingSwap decentralized exchanges as of October 12th 2021. Users can now swap the $CANNA token, a native on the Binance Smart Chain with BEP-20 and BEP-1155 token standards on the listed decentralized exchanges. The decision to list the $CANNA token on the decentralized exchanges allows investors to have full custody over their $CANNA tokens with no theoretical possibility for any third party to tamper with the operations that could lead to a misuse of funds.The CanCoin has issued an initial total token supply of 420,000,000,000 of which 210,000,000 tokens are in circulation. The project promotes financing for numerous initiatives within the legal global cannabis supply chain, through the provision of blockchain technology solutions, for both payments and compliance, to help cannabis companies to manage their finances and operations, and also to enhance sustainability. The CanCoin project uses blockchain technology on multiple fronts, including for monitoring and tracking cannabis from seed-to-shelf, DNA software storage and tracking technologies, the development of a monitoring app for medical cannabis patients, secured medical ID cards for cannabis patients, the financing of new payment gateway solutions for cannabis products, as well as the establishment of cannabis-industry standards and currency(ies) for global payments and processing.While rapid developments in the cannabis industry coincided with a wide range of legislative reforms at the local level, there is a lack of harmonized legislation at the national level. The CanCoin project seeks to re-frame the notion of how systemic negative stigma associated with cannabis has resulted in limited coverage from multi-national service providers, such as financial institutions, software providers, monitoring systems and the like.The CanCoin project was designed for the multibillion-dollar legal cannabis market that encompasses sectors such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) and industrials. In Europe, legislation pertaining to legal cannabis is currently developing at three times the rate in North America. Over 375 million Europeans have access to medical cannabis and this figure is expected to exponentially grow over the next five years with a projected increase in legal cannabis sales from $30 billion in 2020 to $95 billion by 2025.Source: Blockchain Wire