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Cascade Communications Method Builds Employee Engagement

Cascade Communications 

Integrating frontline managers helps in disseminating and building awareness and buy-in for organizational policies.

Tony Silber, Editorial Director, Ragan CommunicationsThe cascade messaging technique is an indispensable part of internal communications, especially in large organizations.It seeks to employ frontline managers across the organization to pass along, explain, advocate and implement policies and announcements. It’s an invaluable channel, integrating leaders of small groups into the process and aligning them with objectives. But it’s challenging to do effectively and consistently.[EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Communications Benchmark Report 2021]That said, communicators who work with their departmental managers consistently report better employee engagement with communications messaging across a variety of topics, according to the 2021 Communications Benchmark Report, an exclusive study from Ragan’s Communications Leadership Council.Naturally, larger organizations (78%) use the cascade method more than smaller ones do (47%), and it’s somewhat less of a priority for external communicators. And members of Ragan Communications Leadership Council are much more likely to use the cascade method (76%) than their non-Council counterparts (51%).Continue reading here...