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Celebrating Female Leaders Everywhere

rbb Communications

rbb Communications is a woman-owned, integrated agency in South Florida, that has rapidly grown from a seven-person boutique to the largest agency in Florida. With Women’s History Month being a time to admire and learn from the achievements of female leaders everywhere, we asked our own powerful women, that have brought rbb success, what inspires and drives them.

  • What is a “first” that you, or a woman in your family, accomplished?

o    “My mother was the first woman to be a high school math teacher at an all-boys Catholic  school. In a setting where the rest of the teachers were priests and there were no female students, she really stood out.” – Christine Barney, CEO and Managing Partner 

o    “My grandmother was the first in her family to live by herself, in a home she owned, with no husband or boyfriend there to help make the mortgage payments. Granted, my great grandfather (her father) had to co-sign as banks still required that for non-married female homeowners. It was an accomplishment nonetheless.” – Jeanine Karp, Vice President and Partner 

o    “I am the first woman in my family who has left the continent and traveled by choice.” – Valeria Mendoza, Account Manager 

  • Who is a trailblazing woman, in history or current times, that you look up to?

o    “Tamora Pierce, a high fantasy author who built her career on crafting strong female characters that proves women are powerful and can do anything. She didn't sugar coat it. Maybe these characters had to work twice as hard as the men, but the point was   they could do it   and they didn't have to give up their female identities.” – Liz Prats, Account Manager 

o    “Amal Clooney - she's a celebrated humanitarian, a high-powered barrister, has brains, beauty and an enviable wardrobe. Despite juggling family life and a big career, she shows no signs of slowing down. #bo$$lady.” – Ailys Toledo, Senior Account Executive 

o    “Sheryl Sandberg. Not only does she have an impressive resume, she encourages women to venture into stereotypically male careers, has spearheaded a campaign to remove negative terms aimed at women in power and wrote Lean In, encouraging women to achieve their goals.” – Christine Parsons, Account Manager 

o    “Having studied ancient history, I was always interested in hearing about powerful women in those times. Queen Hatshepsut stands out - the first female pharaoh in the history of Egypt to rule with real power. Her successor tried, and failed, to erase her from the history books (destroying statues, carving over wherever her name was written). People like her are a testament to the impact women have made on history from the very start - despite historical records sometimes indicating otherwise.” – Sarah Fenaughty, Account Executive

  • What does it mean to work for a woman-owned and led business? 

o    “It's a great source of pride. A living and tangible example for my daughter that strong, smart females can achieve anything.” – Jeanine Karp, Vice President and Partner

o    “It means less stress about having to prove my value. The reality is that the business world is still very dominated by males. So, working at a women-led organization removes a little bit of the concern of having to push past stereotypes and/or gender based issues. It's very freeing for me to be able to focus solely on my work and not how I am perceived or fighting to get a voice due to my gender. So simply put, for me it means professional freedom.” – Andrea Hurtado, Integrated Marketing Manager 

o    “Most small businesses fail.  Being a woman-owned business that succeeds shows that gender should have no role in business. Let's keep creating a world of equality and inclusiveness.” – Christine Barney, CEO and Managing Partner