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Centralizing PR Analysis to Exceed Thought Leadership and ROI Goals

Centralizing PR Analysis to Exceed Thought Leadership and ROI GoalsWes Tyeryar, 

The advances in big data are seemingly endless. But just because you can access tons of data, doesn’t necessary mean that your media analysis is up to par. This is further exacerbated when you work in large, highly complex, national teams, that create data silos.The communications team of one of the nation’s leading financial insurance providers faced this very issue. Local teams and individuals reported PR metrics from offices across the country and multiple PR agencies were creating reports based on different data, their measurement process was fragmented and ineffectual.This, in turn, made it near impossible to prove their contribution toward company-wide business goals let alone efficiently track important mentions of their studies, top spokespeople, and issues that dominated the company’s coverage every quarter.Discover how centralizing PR analysis and reporting helped the communications department collectively excel on company goals like expanding thought leadership, finding whitespace opportunities, and driving a return on investment for their research studies – a key initiative for the company. 

Read Case Study: Centralizing PR Analysis to Exceed Thought Leadership and ROI Goals