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CommPRO's and’s International Women's Day Town Hall Ignites Change

In a powerful convergence of minds and voices, CommPRO’s landmark International Women's Day town hall, under the theme of empowering women in the workplace, was a pioneering event. Moderated by the esteemed Leslie Grossman, a vocal advocate for women's leadership, it catalyzed meaningful discussions and inspired actionable changes across various professional fields.

Leslie Grossman, with her deep expertise in women's leadership, steered the discussions towards uncovering and addressing the core challenges faced by women in their careers. “Women have untold stories to share," Grossman noted, emphasizing the resilience and determination that women exhibit in the face of professional challenges.

The town hall boasted a lineup of influential women from sectors as varied as technology, finance, healthcare, and public relations. These leaders hailed from prominent organizations including Baringa, Blue Origin, Citi, Revry, Edelman, GE, Ruder Finn, and IBM, and they were ready to share their insights and experiences. Their diverse backgrounds created a multifaceted discussion on strategies to foster an inclusive workplace where women are encouraged to thrive and ascend to leadership roles.

The town hall was an initiative by to highlight the essential roles that women play in enriching and guiding organizations. This gathering was more than just a meeting; it was a strategic move towards redefining the professional landscape to be more inclusive and supportive of women. James Mawhinney, founder and CEO of asserted's role in shaping a more equitable environment, underscoring the event's importance in driving equality forward.

In this video from the town hall, you hear from Geanna Diaz, Account Manager at Kite Hill PR, Meridith Maskara , CEO at Girl Scouts of New York City, Christy Grace Provines, Independent Advisory Committee, Co-Governance and Comms Lead at Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism and Global Head of Brand Communications at, Kate Eliou, Partner Marketing Manager at Revry and Rosemarie Esposito, Senior PR Manager at BLUE ORIGIN, as they delve into personal journeys and professional strategies that highlight the need for systemic change.

The discussions and outcomes of this International Women's Day play a pivotal role in shaping policies and practices that support women's advancement in the corporate world. By focusing on actionable insights and real-world applications, the town hall left a lasting impact, ensuring that every participant walked away motivated to contribute to a more just and equitable professional world.

As the global community continues to grapple with gender disparities, initiatives like this served as crucial stepping stones towards achieving genuine workplace equality. Through collaboration, discussion, and strategic action, we can hope to see a future where women's contributions are fully recognized and valued across all levels of professional engagement.