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Communications Tips to Help Challenge Common Misconceptions

Communications Tips to Help Challenge Common Misconceptions In a recent case study, we describe how National Safety Council (NSC) faced that challenge with their #CallsKill campaign. Eight in 10 drivers mistakenly believe hands-free devices are safer than using a traditional mobile device. NSC wanted to bring awareness to this misconception and help make the roads safer.Here are some tips to keep in mind when planning a content marketing strategy that revolves around challenging misconception.1 – Who is your right initial target audience?To bring awareness to a misconception, it is important to target the right audience. Doing a mass outreach might yield some results but won’t be as powerful as focusing on one specific segment, who then can advocate on your behalf once convinced. Understanding your primary target audience is key. For NSC, research showed that they should focus outreach to mothers with young children. A clear understanding of your target audience is a crucial first step to crafting the right message for your audience.2- Focus on a clear, concise, and impactful message.When challenging misconceptions, it’s important to grab your audience’s attention fast. One way to accomplish this task is by appealing to emotions. You need to pick your audience’s interests and entice them to want to learn more.NSC created a short PSA video with a powerful message specifically targeted to their audience. The video strongly appeals to their audience’s emotions and draws them in for more information.Once you grab your audience’s attention, it is very important to support your claim with thorough research. Addressing misconceptions needs to be backed up with tangible data in order to bring the message home for the reader.

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