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Communications Week™ 2021

November 15 - 19, 2021



Bringing together thousands of communicators worldwide, Communications Week 2021 is designed to celebrate and accelerate the role of the communicator. Join us the week of Nov. 15-19 for a series of educational, networking and inspirational events for internal comms, public relations, public affairs, digital and social communicators. Hosted by Ragan and our industry partners, the week will shine a clarifying light on the key issues and trends for brand leaders and storytellers far and wide. The content and programming of CommsWeek is informed by you, your peers and our incredible Communications Week Advisory Board. Participate or partake in the many Communications Week offerings, including:

  • Webinars, workshops, panel discussions

  • Future of Communications virtual conference

  • Networking events (online and in person!)

  • Taste of Tech and sponsor showcases

  • The Transformational Communicator & Change Maker interviews

  • Industry retrospectives

  • Groundbreaking research and forecasts

  • Articles from thought leaders far and wide

This year’s theme of Transformation is a recognition of the accomplishments of communicators across the globe in the past year, and the additional work to be done to elevate the communications role. We invite you to participate in this transformation by attending Communications Week.