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#ExecEd - Connecting the Dots for Communications Success

Rutgers Integrated Marketing Communications Mini-MBA (June 20-24)

Aristotle philosophized about achieving a whole greater than the sum of its parts a long, long, long time ago… and he was certainly a forward thinker!Today we find ourselves right smack in the middle of a world where the importance of communication can make or break companies, and the value of authenticity in this communication grows more important each day. The “we” in this last sentence encompasses a wide array of constituents: marketers, PR professionals, and communicators at large – this last group of which now includes sales people, HR staff, product managers, IT professionals… basically, anyone in an organization who has the ability to influence how someone views a brand. And now that digital has opened up the marketing boundaries to blend beyond the marketing department alone, the value of integrated communications cannot be understated.Consider this: Have you ever been in a company meeting and realized that multiple teams are working on similar projects and essentially duplicating efforts? Talk about a barrier to motivation! What if, instead, those teams worked together collaboratively? Think about how the cross-functional blend of unique skillsets, varied perspectives, and lessons learned along the way could in fact contribute to a whole that is greater than what individual teams might have been able to achieve on their own. (Aristotle’s wise words come true!) The “greater” in this example could be defined as many things: higher revenue, greater productivity, streamlined resources, or even cross-functional development/professional development of one’s employees.While many in the industry recognize the need for integration across the communications spectrum (the “why”), the actual strategic execution of this initiative (the “how”) remains seemingly elusive – and that's why the Rutgers Mini-MBA: Integrated Marketing Communications program was created.Check out the below video to learn more and hear about the program experience firsthand from the instructors and participants themselves!


The Mini-MBA: Integrated Marketing Communications program will run from June 20-24 at The Heldrich in New Brunswick, NJ, and all subscribers are eligible for a 15% discount! Simply enter commPRO15 when applying.We hope to see you there!IMC ad for commPRO_640 x 480