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Content for Lead Generation

One of the most common strategies that many companies utilize when uncertain times are ahead is investing in promotional content that focuses on the final stages of the buying journey for customers. However, that’s not always going to be effective for businesses, and in fact, promotional content that focuses on the beginning stages of the buying journey for potential customers can be a lot more effective at generating leads, and ultimately sales for businesses.


The first thing that companies need to do when they are uncertain about the future is to figure out which percentage of the target audience is actually looking for a solution to purchase and is ready to make that purchase.

According to research, for many companies, this group of people that are ready to make a purchase from a company is around 5%. That means if a company is focused on creating content that focuses on the final stages of the buying journey for potential customers, that content is going to be ignored by over 90% of the potential future customers of a business. And that means companies will have to start investing more in promotional content that is going to be focused on the beginning stages of the buying journey for potential customers instead.

Potential customers that aren’t ready to make a purchase at the moment are still consuming different types of content all the time. That means it’s the best time for companies to provide them with high-quality content that’s going to keep the company at the top of their minds when they’re ready to make a purchase.


Any content that a company creates for the beginning stages of the buying journey is essential for establishing a connection with potential customers. The main goal of this type of content is for companies to make sure that potential customers are going to remember the company when it’s time for them to take the next stages of the buying journey and later when they’re ready to make a purchase.

Although how memorable a company and its content are, isn’t something that companies can always measure in specific metrics such as link clicks, or website visits, it’s an essential element of any buying journey. After all, promotional efforts, such as advertising campaigns are more about publicity than persuading potential customers to make a purchase.

At the end of the day, companies should be making sure that potential customers are aware of the solutions that the company provides, and then, at a later time when they’re looking for that solution, they’ll remember the company and its solutions, and generally make a purchase with that business. This can only be achieved with content that focuses on the beginning stages of the buying journey and allows companies to generate more leads, which also provides companies with more credibility and authenticity, and provide customers with a high-quality experience.