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Content Matters Now More than Ever

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

Should you be marketing during a pandemic? Yes. Your marketing needs to be sensitive to current events, but abandoning your customers now will damage the relationships you have built with them.

People want your content, in many ways more than ever. They want meaningful, interesting, insightful content, that is. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality.Facebook and other social media, platforms that were not founded on ideals of great communication, are reminding us all that quality matters over quantity. Your brand no longer gets good social reach unless your content is worthy.

Content Your Audience Wants

So what content does your target customer need from you? The better you know your ideal customer, the easier it is to answer this question.You need to know your audience. Who are they, specifically? What do they think? What do they want? What do they need from you and why? How can you help them solve their greatest problems? What are their major stresses that you can help with?Great content will do these things for your target audience:

  • Inspire

  • Entertain

  • Connect in a human way

  • Solve problems

  • Help them achieve goals

As you use images, make sure they are also sensitive to current times. Your team group photo will look strange when social distancing is the norm. Show what touchless service looks like.

Provide content they value in words, images and video, and you will have content that matters, even in the time of COVID-19.