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Cover Letters: 5 Easy Steps To Help You Get That Interview

Marie Raperto, The Hiring Hub

Cover letters are not easy to write. Although not always asked for, a cover letter can give you the opportunity to provide the reader with additional information not on your resume.  You don't want to rehash what's already on your resume.  So...

  1. Highlight your specific qualifications for this particular job. Yes, that's right. You must customize each cover letter you write. Every job is different so what makes you perfect for this one. Your resume gives the hiring manager an overall picture of your experience, your cover letter gives you the opportunity to tell them why you are perfect for it.

  2. Show your personality. A cover letter's tone can show your energy, personality and attention to detail. It can also be used as a preliminary writing test. Be specific and concise but be very careful how you say it.

  3. Don't repeat resume details. Take these facts and turn them into a compelling story demonstrating your qualifications.

  4. Explain your career path. If you have gaps or moves into different areas, your cover letter is your chance to explain why and, perhaps, the new skills you developed.

  5. Remember, it's not just about why your skills are perfect for this position. It's about why you want to work for this company and how you can help them.

One cover letter does not fit every position. Make sure you customize each one you send out highlighting your interest and qualifications specific to that opportunity and show your amazing personality!