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Crisis Management – Huma Abedin Sends “Carlos Danger” Packing (Op-Ed)

steven.fink.featuredBy Steven Fink, President and CEO, Lexicon Communications Corp.Crisis Management – Huma Abedin Sends “Carlos Danger” PackingA shade over three years ago, I publicly advised Huma Abedin to say adios to “Carlos Danger,” the nom de twitter her husband, Anthony Weiner, used when “sexting” photos of his crotch to strange women on the internet. (Click here to read the original post). Huma has been Hillary Clinton’s closest aid for more than 20 years, and Weiner was a once-powerful, up-and-coming Congressman from New York.I wrote at the time, “(H)ad he not been caught (again), how much longer would his escapades have gone on? Had I been truly prescient, I would have asked more directly: how do we know his aberrant behavior has stopped? Because he said so? Do you know any politician who doesn’t lie? It has been revealed that Weiner’s sexting continued a full six months after his resignation and public – and private – apologies. And, perhaps even to this day. Who really knows? Weiner, I suppose, but is he to be believed?”Turns out, it never ended.Weiner has been an embarrassment to, and a drag on, Abedin, and now that Donald Trump is putting her under the spotlight, it is time for Hillary to say adios to Huma. For the sake of Huma’s mental health, she needs to put distance between herself and her perverted husband. And for the sake of Hillary’s campaign, she needs to put distance between herself and anyone who has trouble exercising good judgement. Sadly, Huma has demonstrated that when it comes to her husband, she is one of those people. [author] About the Author: Steven Fink is President and CEO of Lexicon Communications Corp. (, a leading crisis management firm, and the author of Crisis Communications: The Definitive Guide to Managing the Message and Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable. Follow him on The Crisis Blog and on Twitter @LexiconCorp. [/author]