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Deutsche Bank: Building a Virtual Bridge for International Companies and U.S. Investors

Deutsche Bank-Building a Virtual Bridge for International Companies and U.S. Investors Getting US investors to notice – and invest – in Depositary Receipts is an important challenge: there are both business and tactical (geographical) hurdles. How does an investor in Boston easily hear and ask questions directly to a CEO in Brazil. Or France. Or Germany. Or China. Or The UK. Or Chile. Or Australia. And how can a non US-issuer build a relationship with an investor in Boston and Dayton and Los Angles and New York and Philadelphia and Dallas and Washington without costly and time-consuming travel?Since 2012, the Deutsche Bank Depositary Receipts Group has taken this geographical hurdle head-on with their Virtual Investor Conference series. Two to three times each year, Deutsche Bank places their DR clients – live – directly in front of US-based institutional and individual investors.Their next event is November 19. Learn more here. It is their 9th event with Europe alone, there are approximately 400+ issuers that have securities as depository receipts, F shares or listed-equities traded in the US… equaling $516 billion of non-North American holdings held as US depositary receipts.Deutsche Bank-Building a Virtual Bridge for International Companies and U.S. Investors