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Dropping Pounds Is a Heavy Load for Millennials – and Gen Z

Generation Z is about to change your business forever. Learn how.

wifi alergyIt’s time to put down that Twinkie and start sleeping more. Or, you could just blame your parents for your expanding waistline. The moms and dads of Millennials had an easier time losing weight than their adults kids do, researchers have found in a study published in Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. Despite eating and exercising the same amount, people were five percent heavier in 2008 than they were in 1971. Sigh.Today’s lifestyle habits are to blame for the excess numbers on the scale. People are eating more sugar, not sleeping enough and stressing out from the demands of their day. Does that sound familiar?And the next generation, Gen Z, will have their own weight to bear, we predict. Habits form at a young age. With 91 percent of teens going to sleep with their devices, their constant connectivity is only adding to their non-activity hours. The kids and teens of today will have to consciously seek to unplug once they hit their adult years. Not just to get into their jeans, but for their well being. They’ll have to put their devices (and wearables) down for a day and roam free in WiFi free nature.Snack on that. Not a donut. Subscribe to n2 now and receive daily trends, direct to your pocket