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Email Still The Largest Marketing Channel

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyMore than 3.7 billion people use email. That makes email an even larger audience for marketing and communication efforts than Facebook, the king of all social channels.What’s more, the widespread adoption of smartphones means that email users are checking their messages more often than ever before. It’s a large, highly engaged audience.

How People Use Email According to data from ReturnPath

  • Mobile is the preferred method of opening email. On average, 55 percent of email opens were made on a mobile client.
  • Email is read all day.
  • Mobile access happens more often after work hours and on weekends.
  • \Users read emails. 61 percent of emails analyzed in early 2017 were fully read regardless of environment. Fully read email was more common on mobile (64 percent) compared to desktop (45 percent) or webmail (61 percent).

You Need an Email Strategy and It Needs to Be Mobile-Friendly

This and other recent data about the pervasiveness of email means that this is a tactic that no marketer or communicator can afford to ignore. You need a strategy for regular outreach to your target audience via email. The effort may even be more important than what you do on social media.