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EmiSwap Integrates with Polygon, Offers 365% APR Liquidity and Farming Pools

CommPRO Editorial StaffEmiSwap, a community-governed decentralized exchange (DEX) paying out high rewards for liquidity providers, has announced its integration with Polygon blockchain, a platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. The new integration will aim to reduce the transaction costs without compromising output, enabling quicker and cheaper user transactions. The integration will allow users to execute trades instantly using the EmiSwap interface and pooled liquidity utilizing Polygon's full-stack layer 2 scaling solutions.While the Ethereum network currently hosts the bulk of EmiSwap activity, it is not always a viable option for traders, due to ongoing network congestion and high gas and transaction rates. Even with the recently reduced capacity, spending over $25-$250 dollars for a single transaction fee is quickly becoming unjustifiable to many crypto investors. EmiSwap’s new integration with Polygon will offer a viable layer 2 solution: making Ethereum much more usable and cheaper with a 0.001 MATIC gas fee on the platform.“We are delighted to be working with Polygon to bring their scalability solutions to the market, as it enables new innovative and value-adding services for our users,” said Grigory Rybalchenko, founder and CEO of EmiSwap. “Now, EmiSwap users will have the option to swap and provide liquidity on EmiSwap DEX with fast and nearly free transactions due to the Polygon integration. This is the next phase in the development of a multichain decentralized platform that will allow us to provide additional value to the DeFi market and our community.”EmiSwap aims to become the go-to multichain AMM DEX providing users with simple and affordable transactions.

The new Polygon integration will provide the EmiSwap community with several advantages including:

  • Users will be able to stake their LP tokens into the new farming pool and win a 365% APR airdrop (per liquidity) plus additional percentage APR for farming with 0.25 percent of the platform fees paid by the token swappers. The reward amount grows with the amount held in the liquidity pool.
  • The 180 percent airdrop that will provide liquidity in any pool with ESW token and will receive 180 percent APR (per liquidity) + 0.25 percent of the platform's fees will be paid by token swappers. Similarly to the 365 percent APR airdrop.
  • Users can check here ( the percentage APR Farming pool in which users can provide liquidity or stake their LP token in farming pools and receive high percentage APR rewards daily. Again, 0.25 percent of the platform’s fees will be paid by token swappers. The XXX percent APR farming pool will launch on November 23,2021. Users will also have access to migrate liquidity from QuickSwap. Pairs available for liquidity migration are WETH-USDC, WETH-WMATIC, WETH-WBTC, USDC-USDT and WMATIC-USDT.

EmiSwap now supports Ethereum, Kucoin, and Polygon blockchains with Near Protocol, Avalanche and Binance Smart Chain currently under development. 

Source: Blockchain Wire