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eSports Has Its Doping Scandals, Too

eSports will be the biggest sport the world has ever seen. Are you ready?32 millionIt's been an open secret in eSports that some competitors take Adderall to outperform their competitors. But the admission in July by Cory “Semphis” Friesen, a pro Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player, that he and his team members were using Adderall during ESL's (Electronic Sports League) $250,000 tournament in Kotawice, Poland forced ESL's hand.ESL will implement an anti-doping policy that takes into account education and prevention.Prescribed to treat people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Adderall helps them focus so they can complete activities. But used off-label, it's a stimulant, helping people stay alert and hyperfocus on single tasks for long periods of time.Perfect for eSports.Other leagues have yet to address doping, but as eSports continues to blow up and more money is on the line, they will have to. It's a perfect opportunity for legal performance-enhancing supplements, energy bars, and drinks to fill the need for (legal) speed. Subscribe to n2 now and receive daily trends, direct to your pocket