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Even in a Challenging Year, Communicators Remain Thankful

It’s been a year of more lows than highs, but readers were willing to share some of the things that made them grateful in a tough year.

  Ted KittermanDespite the many hardships of 2020—or perhaps because of them—there is so much to be thankful for this year.We asked readers to share with us some of the things they are reflecting on and giving thanks for this holiday season. A few common themes emerged. Communicators were grateful for their jobs and companies, their colleagues and clients, their families. They were thankful for important work and an elevated role during the pandemic, a chance for open and transparent dialogue—and the occasional moment of joy, too.Here’s how they put it, in their own words:Team members and organizationsSophia Salis, corporate communications manager for Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., says she is most thankful for “the positive energy of my colleagues who’ve helped keep the silver linings in focus.”Continue reading here...