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Executive Briefing 1.6.16 - Spotlight on CES 2016: The Changing Face of Brand Experience; 10 Years of CES: 2007-2016

CommPRO-Executive-BriefingIn today’s Executive Briefing we put the spotlight on CES 2016.  First, we take a look at CES 2016: Technology Trends and the Changing Face of Brand Experience with Chris Cavanaugh, CMO, Freeman.  Also included is a discussion of 10 Years of CES: 2007-2016 with David Berkowitz, Chief Marketing Officer, MRY.As we begin 2016 and start our sixth year of publishing CommPRO, I’d like to take a moment to thank our loyal readers and partners for their continued support. We hope our new readers enjoy CommPRO and welcome your feedback and suggestions so we continue to provide a unique and relevant service. You can reach me at:

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